Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily Buffy Moment #2

So I was walking down from the Towers today and I said, "Bad, evil snow."  Which, of course, let me to think about the Spike quote from the Season 5 episode "Crush" when Dawn comes to visit Spike in his crypt.  He says that he has "things to do" and when she glares at him he says, "Bad, evil, things! That are not for a child's eyes."  So that's today's Buffy moment.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More about Malti

Malti Jones is extremely annoying.  She enjoys chomping her gum while she's right next to my ear.  Seriously, who does that???? AHHHH!!!! Beeteedubs, she's my roommate, in case you didn't get that. But if she continues this pattern of gum chomping that may need to change. 

Daily Buffy Moment #1

So, I decided that since it's my blog and I can write about whatever the hell I want to, I'm gonna post the random connections that I make to Buffy during the day.  Because there are always quite a few. So, today's Buffy connections:

I was doing laundry today, and was reminded of the episode Doomed from season 4, when Spike shrinks his clothes and has to wear one of Xander's Hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts.  Hilarious episode.

Malti Jones

Today's post is about Malti Jones.  Malti Jones is the girl who lives under my bed. She often makes strange cawing  sounds at 2 in the morning, but I have learned to ignore them.  Oh, and she sings Lord of the Rings songs to me while I drift away peacefully to sleep.  On occasion she has tried to bite me with her alarmingly long fangs, but she generally fails.  We also watch the L Word and have wall sex.  Long story.  Not actually involving sex.  Shane (a character on the L Word) is the only girl in the world I would ever sleep with.  Sorry to all the other women out there, but it's just not gonna happen.  Get over it.  Anyways, Malti Jones.  We have many random escapades, including dressing up as men and skateboarding down the hall.  Well, not so much skateboarding as me standing on the board with Malti pulling me down the hall.  But same diff.  We also stood outside the elevator with Nerf guns and bombarded the girls on our floor when the door opened.  And had a duel in the hallway, complete with costumes and mustaches.  Basically, we're the shit.  End of story.  I may elaborate later but I don't feel like it right now. 


Monday, January 26, 2009

What You Should Know

There are some simple facts that you should know about me before you read my blog.  The first of which is that I am a very obsessive person.  Not in like the creepy, I'm gonna stalk you and then murder you with an axe obsessive, but in the way that once I decide I like something I go all in and learn every thing I can about it.  Basically, I obsess about it.  My obsessions are as follows:

Buffy The Vampire Slayer- Best show ever and given a shitty reputation just because of the subject matter.  It's a brilliant show and EVERYONE should watch it.  

Harry Potter- So, yeah.  I'm 100% obsessed.  As in I own a wand.  Ash. 13 1/4 inches.  And I can recite all three sorting hat songs off the top of my head.  Seriously.  Just ask sometime.  They're fun to say, and I never really get a chance to show off, so ask me and I'll recite one or all of them.

Star Wars- This one's kind of just a simmering obsession, not really active.  I mean, it's awesome, but my other obsessions have gotten in the way lately

Doctor Who- A new one.  Just got into it about a month ago, and now I'm hooked.  It's such an amazing show and I love it to death.  One of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

Joss Whedon- This falls into the category with Buffy but casts a wider net.  In addition to Buffy, I love Firefly, Angel, and Dr. Horrible.  Anything and everything that Joss Whedon has ever created I love and am instantly obsessed with.

Twilight- Ok, explanation.  No, I am not a scary fangirl who stalks Robert Pattinson.  I actually don't find him attractive.  But I love the books.  They're a lot of fun to read and I enjoy them.  I used to be far more obsessed with the series than I am now, but I still love them.  They're feel good books that cheer me up.  Just the thought of Edward could cheer anyone up. 

Those are my lovely obsessions.  If you ever want to talk about any or all of the aforementioned things, then I am the one to come to.  So, other facts.  Let's see.  I go to Ithaca College, in NY, and I am a film major.  I will probably talk often about movies on this thing, so get used to it.  Films are my life.  Those are the major facts that I can think of at the moment.  I will probably often talk about Buffy, because that's the most heated of my current obsessions.  I think that's it.  :)


Hello.  So, all the cool kids are doing it.  That's basically my reason for starting this blog. :)  Also because one of my professors said we could get extra credit if we help her start a blog for the class and the best way to learn how to start a blog is to, well, start one. Basically I'm just gonna ramble about pointless shit that most of you probably don't give a crap about, but I feel like saying it so if you think it's boring, don't read it.  I feel like this will prob be a good place for me to vent about stuff too, mostly shitty movies and shitty classes.  So, yeah, this is my blog. Enjoy. :p